Year: 2022


Tips to Selecting Eco Fashion Clothes

‘Eco fashion’ is a relatively new term in the fashion industry and it basically refers to clothes and accessories that are produced responsibly and are made using eco-friendly products. According to STEP (Sustainable Technology Education Product), eco-fashion clothes pay attention to “the environment, working conditions of the people in the [fashion] industry and the health […]

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Indie Fashion

No one can deny the huge impact that music has on fashion. This kind of evident influence began to surface in the early seventies and eighties, when music bands tried to differentiate themselves from others, through a stylish and trendy image. Torn or ripped jeans, denim jackets, bandanas, scarves, leggings, boots and even enormous sunglasses […]

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Who is the World’s Most Beautiful Woman?

There are several contenders at the moment including Angelina Jolie, Aishwarya Rai and many others have been given this title recently. But the question remains. A quick search on Google for ‘world’s most beautiful woman’ returns over 20 million results. With numerous articles on the subject in which authors name their favorites, or cite poll […]

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Five Top Tips for Living Your BEST Life

Enlightened wisdom believes that the question is more important than the answer. In other words, without the correct question being asked, you cannot ever get the correct answer. So asking the RIGHT questions to yourself is the most important thing you can do for your own personal growth… We are born, and we will all […]

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Family Therapy for Happy Families

What is family therapy? Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy that aims at solving family issues through family counseling. In a family therapy treatment multiple or all family members are involved as this technique considers family as one unit. The emphasis is on the members who are directly related to the problem. Issues like […]

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Best Beauty Products: The True Meaning Of Beauty

Most women today are very particular in keeping themselves beautiful and young. In fact, it is already a common knowledge that women are born to strive for youth and beauty. This is one of the obvious reasons that make them an easy target of fashion. Manufacturers of the different best beauty products are making sure […]

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国外家庭生活人物摄影高清图片 - 爱图网设计图片素材下载

Raising Christian Children Part 4: Plan Family Activities That Include Your Children

It may just be me, but it seems as though times have changed so much since the last generation of parents raised their children. It is so disheartening to see, read, and hear about children committing crimes are younger; children without both parents in the home more common. What is happening to our society? I […]

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Organizing a Successful Family Reunion

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a family reunion? Do you think of a boring afternoon, listening to the old folks reminisce about the good old days? Or maybe you think of meeting up with distant cousins you have never met and have nothing in common with. A […]

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快乐情侣国外人物摄影高清图片 - 爱图网设计图片素材下载

It Is Your Birthright To Live A Beautiful Life!

The beauty about owning our own life and owning our Self is that we can go anywhere that we desire in our life. If we are drawn to something and it fulfills us then we stick with it until it no longer serves a purpose. We have the FREEDOM to chose whatever it is in […]

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Short Sleeves Insights – Is Beauty Really Only Skin Deep?

“Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to see it.” The words of Rumi bring up a good question. Is beauty something we just see or is beauty something that we feel? My thoughts about what beauty really is have changed over the last few years. I was always […]

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