Month: February 2023


Fashion Fever

Who doesn’t want to wear matching clothes and shoes with a perfect complimenting hair style? Who doesn’t want to look attractive? Almost everyone wants to move with the changing trends in fashion. Fashion fever is rising day by day. The day a new style is launched all of us become curious to buy it the […]

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How To Apply The Four Noble Truths For A Better Life

What are the Four Noble Truths? In short, they represent the Buddha’s fundamental teaching that liberates humans from suffering. These four truths can be summarized as follows: 1. Life Inherently Contains Suffering And Struggle Life involves struggle, frustration and suffering in both obvious and subtle forms. Even when things appear peaceful externally, we do not […]

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Why You Should Always Buy a Family Friendly Home

Often many only consider a family friendly place when planning a vacation; but it is also imperative to pay quite as much attention to this very important factor when deciding to buy a home whether they are a first time buyers or not. Although it is essential your whole family enjoys themselves while vacationing together […]

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Seven Beauty Make-Over Tips to Be a Beautiful Mother of the Bride

As the mother of the bride and second most special woman on the big day, it is important to include yourself and your appearance in the wedding planning. Needless to say, wedding planning can be extensive and all but overwhelming with the millions of details to attend, so it’s imperative to include appointments and activities […]

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