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Staying Firm With Your Life Goals

Be Serious About Your Goals Life is not a game. And you don’t have time to waste. If you want to succeed in life you have to take your life seriously. Most of you walk around in life dabbling without a purpose, without a focus, just walking aimlessly in life. This is not you, so […]

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How To Fall In Love With Your Life’s Journey And Make It Yours

Comparing Your Life To Others Are you at war or at peace with your life? Does it feel like a series of challenges to overcome than a journey of self-discovery and fulfilment? It’s important to know how you feel about your life’s journey to make sense of it. Perhaps you haven’t given it much thought, […]

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8 Keys To Having An Astonishing Life

It’s unlikely that a remarkable life just happens by chance. It’s necessary to spend your time, energy, and focus in a deliberate manner. A lot of interruptions, lesser goals, and a lack of resources can obstruct you from living a fantastic life. The lack of a clear objective is the most common obstacle. These are […]

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How To Gain The Confidence To Live A Remarkable Life

On A Wing And Prayer A remarkable life begins with the intention to cast away the bowline on your former life, in exchange for new beginnings. Whilst you may not know the steps required, you recognise your current experience is not what you want. Once you state your intention to change your circumstances, the pieces […]

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How To Apply The Four Noble Truths For A Better Life

What are the Four Noble Truths? In short, they represent the Buddha’s fundamental teaching that liberates humans from suffering. These four truths can be summarized as follows: 1. Life Inherently Contains Suffering And Struggle Life involves struggle, frustration and suffering in both obvious and subtle forms. Even when things appear peaceful externally, we do not […]

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How to Live a Healthy Life by Changing Your Habits

A healthy life is undoubtedly the greatest desire of all of us. After all, without health, life radically changes its meaning. The best way to feel happy, energetic and healthy in the future is to lead a happy, energetic and healthy life in the present. The benefits and pleasures produced are both immediate and long-term. […]

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Five Top Tips for Living Your BEST Life

Enlightened wisdom believes that the question is more important than the answer. In other words, without the correct question being asked, you cannot ever get the correct answer. So asking the RIGHT questions to yourself is the most important thing you can do for your own personal growth… We are born, and we will all […]

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It Is Your Birthright To Live A Beautiful Life!

The beauty about owning our own life and owning our Self is that we can go anywhere that we desire in our life. If we are drawn to something and it fulfills us then we stick with it until it no longer serves a purpose. We have the FREEDOM to chose whatever it is in […]

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Live The Life That Is Best For YOU!

Exploring the world, exploring different cultures, getting to meet new people can help us to see and live our lives from a new and different mindset. When we look at all the things that others are going through, we will realize that the things that we once thought were important, no longer serves us. Instead […]

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Live Your Life Boldly and Beautifully

Living our life boldly and beautifully should be our utmost priority. When we live our lives for ourselves, we will have so much more to share with others. Play your life full out and do not hold back. Live your life passionately and unabashedly. Creating that kind of life takes time. You will want to […]

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