Face Beauty Rank – Evaluate Your Facial Beauty

产品摄影 | 美容仪圣诞主题摄影|摄影|产品|设计咖菲猫 - 原创作品 - 站酷 (ZCOOL)

Beauty is very important for every person on this planet. We all like to look good. When you are beautiful, especially if you have a really nice face, you are always complimented and that gives you a lot of self-confidence.

产品摄影 | 美容仪圣诞主题摄影|摄影|产品|设计咖菲猫 - 原创作品 - 站酷 (ZCOOL)

In every group there are people who look very good and people who don’t. That’s not a reason for making differences. Anyone has a different way of beauty. While some have a beautiful face, others might have a nice personality or a really good heart.

Everybody likes hanging out with their friends. We often play games or make everything possible to have a good time. If you are out of ideas, or always looking for new ways of having fun, I have a nice suggestion for you. This program, that I’m recommending, is called Face Beauty Rank. It’s actually telling you how beautiful your face is in a certain picture.

When I found out about this program, the first question that came into my mind, was how a computer can decide on someone’s beauty? Even though it might seem strange, this software makes it possible. Face Beauty Rank is based on an ancient Greek theory. Pythagoras, one of the most famous Greek philosophers, was the first that tried to express the human beauty in numbers. The theory of beauty ranking relies on theory of proportions and the golden section. This way, the face is measured to see if it’s proportional. The elements of the face must also combine in harmony to achieve a nice look.

With this application you can evaluate the beauty of people. Imagine how fun must be to match people on how they look. Another great feature, that Face Beauty Rank has, is to compare someone’s photo with a celebrity. The results can be amazing. You can also compare your beauty with your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s. If you are in the positions of choosing between two people and you want to choose the most beautiful you can always compare their faces.

The developer has a really nice suggestion on when we can use this program. For example if you want to upload some pictures on a private profile, Face Beauty Rank can help you decide which is the best from all your photos. Using it you can be assured that your profile picture will look great.

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