Fashion Fever


Who doesn’t want to wear matching clothes and shoes with a perfect complimenting hair style? Who doesn’t want to look attractive? Almost everyone wants to move with the changing trends in fashion. Fashion fever is rising day by day. The day a new style is launched all of us become curious to buy it the next day.

Such is the fashion fever which makes the world go mad. A person who says that they do not follow fashion, tell them they are lying. No person will still wear those bellbottoms. Everybody these days wears low waist jeans this showcases that everyone follows the trend.


Every year fashion changes, sometimes it changes with a movie or a fashion show. As the fashion changes, our clothes collection also changes accordingly. In the past fashion was more about women clothing and not much preference was given to a man’s clothing range. But these days you will notice equal variety of clothing range for men as well. Fashion these days does not only mean trendy clothes, but it also comprise of a cool hairstyle, great shoes and attractive jewelry. A person who is very fashion conscious will always wear all these things after giving much thought about it.

A person who is very particular about what he/she wears always follows the latest trend of the industry. Since no two people can share a same taste thus fashion also varies according to a person’s taste. People who are ultra glamorous will never wear clothes that will look like a person who is more of a cool type. You will always notice some difference in the dressing sense of two people. Although the fashion trend followed by people is almost the same but the way they carry themselves makes them stand out of the crowd.

This is the reason why some people look entirely different and more attractive then rest of the people. If you observe them minutely, you will find them wearing what is in the trend but the way they accessorized it made them look totally different. On a general aspect, fashion is not a bad thing to follow. It’s an individual’s choice to follow a trend. Many a time’s extremely irritating trends hit the industry, in such cases it is better not to follow them and wear what you like. Fashion should be something which makes you feel comfortable. You should never wear such clothes which cannot provide you comfort

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