Physical Beauty or Glamour, Fashion, Style and Elegance?


Beauty, it is often said, is in the eye of the beholder. Although every person has his or her definition of what beauty really is, in general it is considered as all the pleasing and favorable physical characteristics that can be seen in an individual. You can be ugly to one person and beautiful to the next; in any case, we define physical beauty by how we see it. And as always, beauty often leads to attraction and it greatly helps in the development of relationships both romantic and otherwise.


However, for those who think or consider themselves to be lacking in physical beauty, it usually leads to a lack of self-esteem and sense of style. Because of this seeming deficiency, they often lack glamour and they usually lag behind in fashion trends. But physical beauty can be enhanced by fashion and style, and people who consider themselves to be ugly can assume a sort of glamour that can be had by not following them.
More often than not, it takes a high level of self-confidence for a person to form his or her opinion about physical beauty. There are those who believe that beauty is beauty and there is no other substitute for it, others would see beauty in an ugly person because they see characteristics that are unique or special in that person. Fashion and style by themselves should not be means to an end, instead, they can be dispensed of and you can still be beautiful all the same.

Also, it is possible to be beautiful regardless of a lack of glamour, fashion, and style. Prevailing misconceptions and biases notwithstanding, an ugly person should believe that he or she is beautiful in his or her own special way. Beauty should not be defined by these three attributes; instead, they should be integral to how the person views himself or herself.

As stated above, you can be ugly and yet still be beautiful in your own special way. Ugliness lends to a sense of uniqueness and charm that can only come when it is viewed in a positive way. You can be fat and because of this, you see yourself to be lacking in glamour and style because elegant and stylish persons tend to be seen as fashionably thin. But that does not mean that you cannot indulge in the latest fashion trends and emerge as being fashionably fat. You may have bulging eyes, a comely face, and a generally homely aura, but if you have a pleasant personality and enough self-confidence, you are still able to make friends and partners. It all boils down to how you view yourself; you can establish your own sense of style and assume a certain level of fashion that will help you go by.

Whatever other people say, you are who you are and that alone should make up for all of your physical shortcomings. You and you alone must realize that glamour, fashion, and style are not necessarily needed if you see yourself as beautiful.

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