Tips to Selecting Eco Fashion Clothes


‘Eco fashion’ is a relatively new term in the fashion industry and it basically refers to clothes and accessories that are produced responsibly and are made using eco-friendly products. According to STEP (Sustainable Technology Education Product), eco-fashion clothes pay attention to “the environment, working conditions of the people in the [fashion] industry and the health of the consumers.” Thus, these clothes are the result of a conscious attempt to strike the perfect balance with nature while keeping all parties happy.


As you can see, eco-fashion clothes have a stringent criterion to live up to. So, they are made using natural, recycled organic raw materials. It is important that eco fashion clothes be organic because only then can they serve the purpose. For instance, most of our clothes are made of cotton. But, did you know that cotton crop accounts for a large share of pesticides used today? Thus, the thrust of eco fashion clothes is to use products that do not harm the environment in anyway, actively or passively. Eco-fashion clothes even go so far as to shun harsh, artificial chemicals and dyes. Additionally, these clothes are made in a responsible environment, by people who are earning fair wages for the honest labor they put in.

Some of the characteristics of true-blue eco-fashion is:


  • These clothes are generally locally made. So, they are made of eco-friendly materials.
  • Eco-fashion is 100% organic. Organic material is made using very little pesticide, if any.
  • Eco-friendly clothes are made in a fair and honest environment. You may probably have to pay more for these clothes, but you can wear them with pride and happiness because you know that the people manufacturing these clothes are paid their fair share. Thus, these clothes are made in an eco-conscious manner and are produced by eco-conscious companies.
  • Eco-fashion is recycled. Vintage stores have some of the best collections of recycled clothes. These clothes are trendy and they make use of recycled scarves, t-shirts, costumes and curtains.


These days, you can see an increasing desire to go green. Many superstars take great pride in showcasing their eco-fashion clothes. Others have even resorted to shocking advertisements in order to draw attention to the exploitation of animals in producing fashionable clothes. With all the negativity associated with it, fashion, as we knew it, is slowly undergoing a revolution. Today, ‘eco-fashion’ is displayed in high profile dos like the Fashion Week in NY and London. Many upscale retailers are also happy to house these products. That is why many designers are producing striking designs, styles and colors in eco-friendly clothes. With all this activity, the emerging green ‘belt’ of the world is undoubtedly catching the attention of many, many people.

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